Thursday, 11 July 2013

ERX payment adjustment 2012

Assessing and Applying the 2012 eRx Payment Adjustment 2012 eRx Assessment 

An eligible professional who meets the eRx program inclusion criteria will be subject to the 2012 eRx payment adjustment if (s)he did not submit the following:

• 10 valid 2011 eRx G-codes (G8553) via claims during the 6-month reporting period of January 1, 2011 – June 30, 2011; or

• A hardship exemption (G8642, G8643) via claims during the 6-month reporting period; or

• A G-code via claims indicating (s)he did not have prescribing privileges (G8644) during the 6-month reporting period; or 

• (S)he requested and was granted a hardship exemption through the Quality Reporting Communication Support Page.

CMS analysis of all valid 2011 eRx QDCs submitted with a Date of Service during the 6-month reporting period determines whether or not the payment adjustment applies to the eligible professional.

Group practices participating in eRx GPRO who would be subject to the payment adjustment is defined as a TIN who:

• Failed to meet the 2011 eRx criteria for successful reporting during the 6-month reporting period of January 1–June 30, 2011; or

• Failed to indicate a hardship or lack of prescribing privileges to CMS

The analysis of successful reporting for group practices that participate in eRx GPRO will be performed at the TIN level to identify the group’s services and quality data. All NPIs under the TIN during the 6-month reporting period for 2011 (January 1, 2011 – June 30, 2011) will receive the payment adjustment if the group practice participating in eRx GPRO is subject to the payment adjustment.

For eligible professionals who submitted claims under multiple TINs, CMS groups claims by unique TIN/NPIs for analysis and payment adjustment purposes. As a result, an eligible professional who submitted claims under multiple TINs may be subject to an eRx payment adjustment under one of the TINs and not the other(s), or may be subject to a payment adjustment under each TIN.

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