A subluxation may be demonstrated by an X-ray or by physical examination. (If
the X-ray is used to demonstrate the subluxation, it is required on the claim
form. Refer to the “Claim Requirements” section of this manual.) If the X-ray
is to be used to document the subluxation, it must have been taken at a time
reasonably proximate to the initiation of a course of treatment. Unless more
specific X-ray evidence is warranted, an X-ray is considered reasonably
proximate if it was taken no more than 12 months prior to or three months
following the initiation of a course of chiropractic treatment. In certain
cases of chronic subluxation (e.g., scoliosis), an older X-ray may be accepted
provided the beneficiary’s health record indicates the condition has existed
longer than 12 months and there is a reasonable basis for concluding the
condition is permanent.
A previous Computed Tomography (CT) scan and/or MRI are acceptable evidence if
a subluxation of the spine is demonstrated.
The following documentation requirements apply whether the subluxation is
demonstrated by X-ray or physical examination:
1. History:
* Family history if relevant.
* Past health history (general health, prior illness, injuries or
hospitalizations, medications, surgical history).
* Chief complaint including the symptoms present that caused the patient to
seek chiropractic treatment.
* Mechanism of trauma.
* Quality and character of symptoms/problem.
*Onset, duration, intensity, frequency, location and radiation of symptoms.
* Aggravating or relieving factors.
* Prior interventions, treatments, medications, secondary complaints.
2. Description of the present illness including:
* Mechanism of trauma.
* Quality and character of symptoms/problem.
* Onset, duration, intensity, frequency, location and radiation of symptoms.
*Aggravating or relieving factors.
* Prior interventions, treatments, medications, secondary complaints.
* Symptoms causing patient to seek treatment.
These symptoms must bear a direct relationship to the level of subluxation. The
symptoms refer to the spine (spondyle or vertebral), muscle (myo), bone (osseo
or osteo), rib (costo or costal) and joint (arthro) and would be reported as
pain (algia), inflammation (itis), or as signs such as swelling, spasticity,
etc. Vertebral pinching of spinal nerves may cause headaches, arm, shoulder and
hand problems as well as leg and foot pains and numbness. Rib and rib/chest
pains are also recognized symptoms, but in general other symptoms must relate
to the spine as such. The subluxation must be causal, i.e., the symptoms must
be related to the level of the subluxation that has been cited. A statement on
a claim that there is “pain” is insufficient. The location of pain must be
described and whether the particular vertebra listed is capable of producing
pain in the area determined.
3. Evaluation of musculoskeletal nervous system through physical examination
(PART exam) is required to identify:
* Pain/tenderness evaluated in terms of location, quality and intensity.
* Asymmetry/misalignment identified on a sectional or segmental level.
* Range of motion abnormality (changes in active, passive and accessory joint
movements resulting in an increase or a decrease in sectional or segmental
* Tissue tone changes in the characteristics of contiguous or associated soft
tissues, including skin, fascia, muscle and ligament.
To demonstrate a subluxation based on the physical examination, two of the four
described criteria (pain/tenderness, asymmetry/misalignment, range of motion
abnormality and tissue tone changes) are required, one of which must be
asymmetry/misalignment or range of motion abnormality.
4. Diagnosis:
The primary diagnosis must be subluxation, including the level of subluxation,
either so stated or identified by a term descriptive of subluxation. Such terms
may refer either to the condition of the spinal joint involved or to the
direction of position assumed by the particular bone named.
5. Treatment plan:
* The treatment plan should include the following:
* Recommended level of care (duration and frequency of visits).
o Specific treatment goals.
o Objective measures to evaluate treatment effectiveness.
6. Date of the initial treatment.
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