Sunday, 5 March 2017

Medical Billing Terminology - F, G & H


Fee for Service: This refers to a type of health insurance wherein the provider is paid for every service they perform. People with fee-for-service plans typically can choose whatever hospitals and physicians they want to receive care in exchange for higher deductibles and co-pays.
Fee Schedule: A document that outlines the costs associated for each medical service designated by a CPT code.
Financial Responsibility: Whoever owes the healthcare provider money has financial responsibility for the services rendered. Insurance companies or patients themselves may be financially responsible for the costs associated with care, and these responsibilities are typically outlined in a healthcare plan contract.
Fiscal Intermediary (FI): The name for Medicare representatives who process Medicare claims.
Formulary: A table or list provided by an insurance carrier that explains what prescription drugs are covered under their health plans.
Fraud: Providers, patients, or insurance companies may be found fraudulent if they are deliberately achieving their ends through misrepresentation, dishonesty, and general illegal activity. Medical billing specialists who deliberately enter incorrect or misleading information on claims may be charged with fraud.


Group Health Plan (GPH): A plan provided by an employer to provide healthcare options to a large group of employees.
Group Name: The name of the group, insurance carrier, or insurance plan that covers a patient.
Group Number: A number given to a patient by their insurance carrier that identifies the group or plan under which they are covered.
Guarantor: The party paying for an insurance plan who is not the patient. Parents, for example, would be the guarantors for their children’s health insurance.


Healthcare Financing Administration: The former name for what is now the CMS.
Healthcare Financing Administration Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS): HCPCS is a three-tier coding system used to explain services, devices, and diagnoses administered in the healthcare system. Medical billing specialists utilize codes in the HCPCS on a daily basis to file claims.
Healthcare Insurance: This is insurance offered to a group or an individual to cover costs associated with medical care and treatment. Those covered by healthcare insurance typically must pay a premium for their plans in addition to various co-pays and/or deductibles.
Healthcare Provider: These are the entities that offer healthcare services to patients, including hospitals, physicians, and private clinics, hospices, nursing homes, and other healthcare facilities.
Healthcare Reform Act: The major healthcare legislation passed in 2010 designed to make healthcare accessible and less expensive for more Americans.
Health Insurance Claim: The unique number ascribed to an individual to identify them as a beneficiary of Medicare.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): HIPAA was a law passed in 1996 with an aim to improve the scope of healthcare services and establish regulations for securing healthcare records from unwanted parties.
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO): HMOs are networks of healthcare providers that offer healthcare plans to people for medical services exclusively in their network.
Hospice: This refers to medical care and treatment for persons who are terminally ill.

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