Deductible The amount an insured member must pay before the insurance company begins covering health care costs.
DHS Department of Health Care Services for California www.dhcs.ca.gov
Diagnosis Code ICD-9 code used to describe illness, injury or diseases
DME Durable Medical Equipment
DOS Dates of Service -- The date(s) when a patient was treated.
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer -- A paperless computerized system enabling funds to be debited, credited, or transferred from the payer.
EIN Employer Identification Number -- Also known as Tax Identification Number (TIN)
EMR Electronic Medical Records -- Medical record in electronic format.
EOB Explanation of Benefits -- Details regarding how your insurance company processed medical insurance claims, explains what portion of a claim was paid to the health care provider and what portion of the payment.
EPSDT Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment -- A Medi-Cal program for individuals under the age of 21 who have full-scope Medi-Cal eligibility. This program allows for periodic screening to determine health care needs.
ERA Electronic Remittance Advice -- Electronic file supplied by the payer to outline payment for submitted claims. Also known as an 835 file.
Fee for Service A method of payment for medical services rendered
Fee Schedule A list of CPT codes and dollar amounts an insurance company will pay for a particular medical service
Formulary List of prescription drugs cost of which an insurance company will reimburse, or those that will provided free under a scheme.
GPNet The EDI gateway to Palmetto GBA
HCPCS Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System -- 5-digit alphanumeric set of procedure codes based on the AMA CPT codes. A standardized medical coding system for describing the specific items and services provided in the delivery of health services. Also known as a Procedure Code.
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This federal act sets standards for protecting the privacy of your health information.
HL7 Health Level Seven -- A data exchange protocol and interface for medical records and billing software that allows different systems to interoperate.
HMO Health Maintenance Organization -- An insurance plan that pays for preventative and other medical services provided by a specific group of participating providers.
ICD-9 International Classification of Diseases -- A standard format to describe the illness, injury or diseases by using a three digit code. Also known as a Diagnosis Code.
IPA Independent Practice Association -- An organization of physicians who are contracted with an HMO plan
IVR Interactive Voice Response -- Palmetto GBA 24 hour telephone line, obtain Medicare Part B information, such as claim status, last 3 checks issues, and eligibility.
Jurisdiction 1 California, Hawaii, Nevada, Guam, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands
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