Tuesday 23 September 2014

Service covered under Newborn Care

Newborn Care

Provide the highest level of care for the newborn beginning immediately after birth. Such level of care shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

(1) Instilling of prophylactic eye medications into each eye of the newborn;
(2) When the mother is Rh negative, securing a cord blood sample for type Rh determination and direct Coombs test;
(3) Weighing and measuring of the newborn;
(4) Inspecting the newborn for abnormalities and/or complications;
(5) Administering one half (.5) milligram of vitamin K;
(6) APGAR scoring;
(7) Any other necessary and immediate need for referral in consultation from a specialty physician, such as the Healthy Start (postnatal) infant screen; and
(8) Any necessary newborn and infant hearing screenings (to be conducted by a licensed audiologist pursuant to Chapter 468, F.S., a licensed M.D. or D.O., or an individual who has completed documented training specifically for newborn hearing screenings and who is directly or indirectly supervised by a licensed physician or a licensed audiologist).

Postpartum Care
(1) Provide a postpartum examination for the enrollee within six (6) weeks after delivery;
(2) Provide for voluntary family planning, including a discussion of all methods of contraception,
as appropriate;
(3) Refer the newborn to a pediatrician for completion of CHCUP (Child Health Check Up)

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