January 1, 2011, Health Options, Inc. (HOI) is instituting a change in the
member referral process for all Medicare Advantage (BlueMedicare® HMO and
BlueMedicare® Group HMO) members.
PCP refers a member to a participating
specialist. Participating specialist refers a member to another participating
specialist.·Notification of a
member referral is required when:
Note: Authorizations are required for all referrals to
nonparticipating physicians and providers.
Exempt Covered Services
The following covered services are exempt from the referral requirement:
Emergency services Certain specialists including chiropractors, dermatologists
and podiatrists Flu shots Laboratory services at a participating Quest
laboratory within the member’s service area with a valid prescription
The physician or authorized participating specialist is responsible for
obtaining any required referral and prior authorization approvals for all
services including facility, outpatient, ancillary and professional services.
The physician or provider must also verify that the authorization is appropriate,
approved and complete before rendering services.
Authorization can be obtained by calling the Utilization Management line at
(800) 955-5692. When requesting a prior authorization, please have the
following information and supporting medical documentation available: Member
name Member number Member date of birth Diagnosis by ICD-9-CM Place of service
Dates of services Name of physician, health care professional or facility to
perform services Services and procedures requested Other information required
by Medicare guidelines
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