Friday, 13 June 2014

whose responsility is getting authorization

Prior Authorization - BCBS

Who is responsible for getting a prior authorization from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida? 

• If your doctor is a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida participating network provider, he or she is responsible for obtaining a prior authorization and should contact us for you. 
• If your doctor is NOT a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida participating provider or is located outside of Florida, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your doctor gets a prior authorization for you. It’s easy to initiate: Simply have your non-network or out-of-Florida doctor call the number on the back of your ID card. If a prior authorization is not obtained, you may be responsible for the entire cost.  

Important note: In an emergency situation, a prior authorization is NOT required. An emergency is an instance in which the absence of medical attention could jeopardize a person's life, health, or ability to regain maximum function, or could subject a person to severe pain.

What types of medical services require a prior authorization? 
Certain medical services, medical supplies and prescription drugs that may require a prior authorization are listed below. Please refer to your benefit booklet and pharmacy endorsement (if applicable) for prior authorizations that may be required by your medical and/or prescription drug coverage. 

Examples that may require a prior authorization:

• Hospital Admissions
• Diagnostic imaging such as CT scans, MRIs/MRAs, PET scans and nuclear medicine 
• Behavior/Mental Health Services
• Durable Medical Equipment and supplies, such as crutches, hospital beds and wheelchairs and orthotic/prosthetic equipment.
• Specialty drugs such as high-cost oral, injectable and infused medications that are used to treat and manage complex diseases such as multiple sclerosis, cancer, hepatitis C and certain forms of rheumatoid arthritis
• Drugs administered in the physician/provider’s office
• Certain brand-name drugs that have generic equivalents may not be covered or may be covered at a higher cost, unless the generic equivalent is tried first (this depends on your benefits)

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